Valter Filipe Silva wrote:
I try to use lyx to write a paper in the IEEE format. However the
authour of the paper do not apper in the final pdf. I try to use a plain
tex editor (winedt) and it fine. I'm using Lyx 1.4.3 under windows XP.
I cannot send one sample attached :-(
Please find it at:
Thanks in advance
best regards
I'm running LyX 1.4.3-5 on Win XP, and when I use IEEETran and output to
PDF, the author is displayed properly.
Do you use MikTeX and, if so, did you install the IEEETran class using
the MikTeX?
Perhaps you should post a small example of a LyX file where the author
does not display. (I did not find one in the Zip file you linked to.)