I had the same problem on a Mac.
See http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/Mac#toc10 for useful hints. They are meant
for Mac, but might be applicable for Windows, too.
A likely source of error are blanks in the path name. For example,
"C:\Documents and Settings\..." might not be a good option. Did you try
a new path with no blanks?
Graham Smith wrote:
I have Lyx 1.4.3-5 (Windows) and Jabref 2.2b.
Trying to push a citation from jabref gives me an error to verify that
Lyx is ruuning and that the lyxpipe is valid C:\Documents and
In lyx I have added the path
C:\Documents and Settings\Graham\lyx\.lyxpipe
in the lyx preferences and reconfigured and restarted lyx.
As I understand the documentation this should create an lyxpipe.in file,
but no file is created.
I have tried several different path options, eg creating the full
file name etc, but cannot get it to work.
Can anyone suggest what I should be doing.
Many thanks