Friends All,
I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this
project is above and beyond the call of duty.
One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?
Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England
#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
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Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
great trade in it.
I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
I can talk about it with some confidence.
Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
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Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.
, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.