>>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 13:48:52 +0200
>>From: Rainer M Krug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>CC: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>>Subject: Re: Question concerning Preamble in Child Documents
>>Georg Baum wrote:
>>> Rainer M Krug wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Am I right in assuming that when I have a preamble in the Child
>>>> Document, this preamble is ignored when the Child Document is used from
>>>> the Main Document, i.e. if I have a special preamble in the Child
>>>> Document, I have to copy it to the Main Document?
>>> Yes. If you don't want to compile the child documnt separately then delete
>>> the preamble of the child document. If you want to compile it separately
>>> then it is better to put the preamble into a separate .tex file and only
>>> have
>>> \include{preamble.tex}
>>That sounds interesting. But I don't manage to do it.

I guess it's a typo, should read \input{preamble.tex}
\include is restricted to chapters, and must be in the document body.


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