Fuad Tabba wrote:
You're right, it is a BMP file but the LaTeX code does not have an extension assocaited with te file. In LyX the file does have bmp as an extension, it's
the LaTeX output which doesn't. Where do you suggest I add the "bmp"? I
tried exporting it to LaTeX, adding the .bmp there and reimporting it with
the same result...


Ok, I've tracked down at least part of this. For reasons I don't understand (bug? feature?), if you include a BMP file that resides in a directory other than the home of the LyX file, *and* if the path to it contains spaces, then LyX includes the extension in the emitted LaTeX code. Otherwise, the extension is omitted. Now that should not be a problem in general, since LyX automatically uses ImageMagick to generate an EPS version of the image file when using View->DVI (or View->PDF ...), and LyX exports the .eps file along with the .tex file if you use File -> Export -> LaTeX. At least it does for me. So I suppose a reasonable question to ask at this point is whether you have ImageMagick installed (and whether it's either on your system command path or on LyX's Tools -> Preferences... -> Paths -> PATH Prefix)?


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