Sven Schreiber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I don't think this is a good idea. If you are supposed to provide MS
>> Word format you should use MS Word or at least OOo for writing your
>> paper. The point is that the TeX community has spent too little effort
>> on converters.

> "That's a bold statement." (To quote a popular movie, IIRC.) Seriously,
> although it's correct that especially between Latex and the Open Doc
> Format better converters are needed, I don't think your advice is wise,
> especially for people who are familiar and productive with Lyx. Btw,
> what advice did you give before OOo existed? Everybody should buy (or
> crack) msword?

I gave the same advice earlier. It doesn't matter whether you use a
wordprocessor other than MS Word or LaTeX directly or LyX. It's all
the same: If you know you are required to provide a DOC file for
submission to a journal then use Word and produce a DOC file of your
paper. Even OOo is second choice because it is not the
original. Everything else amounts to Cervantes' fight against

Converting LaTeX to DOC is a nice idea and tex4ht certainly is a great
tool. But converting is always second choice to the original. I think
we have to say this to everyone clearly who is interested in writing
in LaTeX, but who already knows that he finally has to provide a DOC
file to someone else.

The main problem in scientific environments is that both LaTeX and
HTML are long-term archiving formats which DOC clearly isn't. So most
information stored in DOC format will vanish some day. But that's not
the point publishing houses have taken up so far...


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