Stacia Hartleben wrote:
If you try to select a type other than inches on the drop down menu before you have chosen a size, it won't let you change. It will only let you change after you've typed in a number, and if it's a large number in inches at least, LyX will slow down.
Keep in mind that LyX dialogs don't always remember changes if you enter/edit an entry and then click out. When changing column width, for instance, if I'm changing units I can enter (or change) the width value and then click on the units drop down and select a new choice; but if I'm just changing the width (keeping the same units), I have to hit enter after the change to convince LyX I wasn't kidding.
Still wondering about the width, though. When I try the same method trying to set equal widths to each column, it only sets the width of the last column. Setting them manually is not terrible, but not ideal.
Column-by-column is the only way I know to do this (which is fine by me -- discourages excessive use of columns :). Also (and I suspect this is a LaTeX limitation), I have to guess column widths that add up to an appropriate value < 100% of text width, to allow for inter-column spacing. (This is particularly true if, horror of horrors, I use vertical lines, but I think it's true even in line-free tables.)