Assistance with this problem would be much appreciated.
I am writing a document using the Article class. I found the default
margin settings to be too large so I set them manually.
Top: 3 cm
Bottom: 2 cm
Inner:3 cm
Outer:3 cm
'page style:' is set to 'fancy'.
This works fine, until I enable the option to create a two-sided
document. With a two-sided document, the margin notes go off the side of
the page and continue onto the side of the the next page. So, for
example, if the margin note was on the right-side, the words would
continue and re-appear on the left hand side of the next page. The notes
are split mid-letter. As you might have guessed, resetting the margins
to 'default' cures the problem. The margin notes are squeezed in
correctly on single sided documents.
My question is, is there any way that I can have have my narrow margins
and print out as a two sided document?
Lyx 1.4.3 QT - running on Ubuntu. I 'print' by exporting to pdf via
DVIDPFM. The problem persists with PDFLATEX and PS2PDF.
-- - about me, music, geek sitcom etc. -