Andrea Moneti wrote:
I have two peculiar problems with exporting a document, which may be
1. when exporting to (or viewing) ps2pdf I get
"An error occurred whislt running dvips -t a4 -o '' 'na
(where the input filename is incomplete, but I don't think that's the
problem) and to pdf output is produced.
I note that upon checking in /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.../lyx_tmpbuf.../ I find no
dvi file there.
Lack of a DVI file is certainly problem. Does the LaTeX log indicate
any problems generating the DVI? (Probably not if the same document
works with pdflatex, but I've learned not to jump to conclusions.) Can
you view the document with View->DVI or export it to DVI successfully?
2. when exporting to dvi, I get in my working dir a temporary eps file
corresponding to a figure in the document, but no dvi file. Shouldn't
that file go into the lyx tmp dir? the same file is produced in the lyxx
tmpdir when exporting to pdflatex
I'm not positive, but I think this is normal behavior. When exporting
(as opposed to viewing), LyX generates the exported product in the work
directory, including any necessary auxiliary files. If you are
including an EPS image in a DVI file, the DVI file does not contain a
copy of the image, just a reference to an external EPS file. So LyX
puts both the EPS and DVI files in the work directory. In contrast,
when you export to PDF, a copy of the image is embedded directly in the
PDF, so only the PDF file (not the EPS file) needs to go in the work
directory -- but a temporary copy of the EPS file is needed in the temp
directory so that it can be embedded in the PDF output.
On the other hand, exporting (and viewing) to pdflatex works ok and it
would be nice if there were a kbd shortcut for it.
I happen to agree; I use View->PDF (pdflatex) more often than I use
View->DVI, since much of my work is in beamer presentations. In any
event, you can create one yourself. Locate the bind file you use in the
Resources/bind folder under the LyX installation directory, and copy it
to the bind folder under your home directory. (If you are not sure
which binding you are using, check Tools->Preferences...->Look and
feel->User interface->Bind file.) Open it with a text editor, and at
the bottom insert something like the following:
\bind "S-C-F" "buffer-view pdf2"
This would bind control-shift-F to View->PDF (pdflatex) on a Windows
machine. I'm not sure, but I think Control on a Windows PC corresponds
to the Command key (?) on a Mac. Anyway, pick a key combination not
already in use. Also, it would be a good idea to check
Tools->Preferences...->File formats to verify that PDF (pdflatex) is
designated pdf2 on your machine. (That is the default, but it could
hypothetically have been changed.)
Hope that helps,