LB wrote:

I decided to upgrade from LyX1.4.2 to LyX1.4.3-4.  The new version does not
display equations correctly on my system.  I tried to download math fonts and to reinstall them in to WinXP but was not
successful at fixing the math fonts in 1.4.3-4.

LyX1.4.2 and earlier did not experience this problem with math.  Does
anybody know what could be causing this?

The following steps worked for me:

1. Delete or hide the Resources\fonts directory under the LyX 1.4.3 installation directory. (To hide it, just change its name.)

2. Use the Windows font applet to delete all the fonts in the Bakoma4LyX archive.

3.  Unpack Bakoma4LyX somewhere and use the font applet to install them.

If you've used LyX (and seen the wrong glyphs) since the last boot, I think you'll have to reboot. (I think Windows has the old fonts in memory at that point.)


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