On Thu, 21 Sep 2006, Andrew Corrigan wrote:

In case this is helpful to someone, I made an ubuntu package with
checkinstall, in other words it doesn't take care of dependencies or
uninstalling an old version or anything like that, it just saves you the
trouble of running configure and make and allows you to uninstall lyx via
synaptic when you want to. it gets installed to /usr/local since the
configure was:


  I've been building Slackware packages of LyX using checkinstall and it
works perfectly. The package is registered in /var/log/packages and I use
the package tools (upgradepkg ...) to handle removing the older version
before installing the newer one.

  If LyX runs on your current system then there are no unresolved
dependencies that could cause problems. Checkinstall is a great tool; I used
to use it with Red Hat < 7.3 and since then with Slackware. Of course it
will work with Debian and its offspring, too. :-)


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |    The Environmental Permitting
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