>>X-BrightmailFiltered: true >>X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAAAA== >>X-IronPort-AV: i="4.09,171,1157320800"; d="vcf'?scan'208"; >>a="31098590:sNHT18069023" >>Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 18:48:14 +0200 >>From: Nicolas Ferré <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org >>Subject: French decimal math comma >> >>Dear all, >> >>In french, the decimal part of a number is separated from the integer >>part with a comma. In order to have it automatically, I had to the preamble: >>\usepackage[french]{babel} >>\DecimalMathComma >> >>1) The \DecimalMathComma is not defined if I don't load babel. However, >>my document language is already set to french, thus I thought babel was >>already loaded. Am I wrong ?
Yes, but it is loaded after the preamble without options (that's why you can load it by yourself withouts clash). \AtBeginDocument{\DecimalMathComma} might work, I'm not sure. >>2) Since this is the normal behavior in french, why the >>\DecimalMathComma is not set by default when the language of a document >>is set to french ? See below. >>3) Are there some alternative solutions for having automatically the >>comma instead of the dot in the printed text, even if I write a dot in >>the LyX document ? The place to set french commands (at the expense of document portability) is the frenchb.cfg file, it should works to set it there. HTH -- Jean-Pierre