Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Rainer M Krug schrieb:
>> thanks for the tip (Yea, I am German and I just downloaded the manual!)-
>> but my problems are with the subscripts, e.g. a_{WB_NE} where I would
>> like to have the WB_NE in a smaller font as it looks strange with the
>> same font size
> They don't have the same size! You use a small "a" but a large "W" as
> subscript. the a is in normal size the W in scriptsize, see chapter 11.3
> of my math manual:
> http://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/LyX/LyXMathebefehle/LyXMathebefehle-3-05.pdf
> http://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/LyX/LyXMathebefehle/LyXMathebefehle-3-05.lyx
> Attached an example where the "WB" is in size tiny.

Brilliant - that \tiny works as I like it. But I don't understand what
you mean with the next sentence:

> Note that subscripts with more than one character have to set upright to
> dive them from indices, see appandix A of the math manual.

Which math manual are you referring to? The German one?

Again your help (and patience) is very much appreciated,


> regards Uwe

Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation
Biology (UCT)

Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology
University of Stellenbosch
Matieland 7602
South Africa

Tel:            +27 - (0)72 808 2975 (w)
Fax:            +27 - (0)21 808 3304
Cell:           +27 - (0)83 9479 042


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