On Sun, 13 Aug 2006, Nicola Arnoldi wrote:
I am almost getting mad while trying to getting your songbook class macro for
Hi Nicola, I take this is the songbook you are talking about
(Btw, the style is written Christopher Rath, I've only adapted a layout to
make it look prettier inside LyX).
I am actually using lyx 1.4 for mac. After trying to put the package
files almost in every tex dir, latex does recognize the new class, but
Lyx doesn't.
Eh... if I remember correctly, it's not really a new class? I thought it
was just a style to be included. Anyway, I think some more details are in
Here's one thing though. Have you done this:
Reconfigure LyX and check that LyX has found the songbook package,
e.g. if you enter this at the command line: lyx -x reconfigure
then one of the output lines should look like this
+checking for document class songbook [book]... yes
Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr