Micha Feigin wrote:
Lyx is not designed to have an horizontal scroll bar because the text is supposed to just flow over the side to the next line. Also, usually, if the formula flows over the side it usually means that it will flow over the side of the page in the printout.
I fairly routinely encounter problems with math insets that fit on the page in the produced document (and fit on the LyX page as instant preview images), but don't fit on screen when I'm editing them (particularly if I have LyX windowed). Expanding LyX to full screen sometimes helps, but sometimes I have real problems editing the tail end of a formula (I can cursor there, but it's off-screen so I can't see where I am or what I'm doing).
I don't know that LyX needs a horizontal scrollbar, but maybe it needs to wrap inset source code better when the cursor is in the inset.