LB wrote:
Which would not explain why futzing with the environment variables
cured (or at least moved) the bug. Then again, perhaps I'm asking too
much of the bug as far as consistency goes.
This brings me back to my thesis that somewhere there is a buffer
overflow. How/why it would involve both the file paths/names and
environment variables beats me, but I'll take another shot on the
developer list and see what shakes.
This problem with preview is still not 100% gone. I have to change the
PATH to point to a different copy of GS (Matlab copy or "official" copy)
depending on which Lyx document I open. At this time, only the document
that first exhibit this problem needs PATH to point to Matlab copy of GS
for preview to work. All other documents I have opened so far work fine
with the "official" version but show preview problem with Matlab copy of
Why don't you make the Matlab copy of GS the same as the system?
I open two instances of Windows Explorer to do this kind of work.
In one Window, navigate to Matlab and note the name of the Gs
directory. Right-click on the gs directory and delete it. It will
be safe in the Recycle bin as long as you don't "empty the recycle
bin". In the other window navigate to the system gs directory.
Right-click on it and choose copy. Then paste it into the Matlab
directory where the old matlab gs used to reside. Rename it to
the same name as the old matlab gs.
I suggest this because I don't know the matlab menu or command
line just to change it to point to the system-wide gs. If for
some reason Matlab doesn't make eps images, change it back.
Rename the newly made gs directory which has been renamed to
match the original matlab gs to something else. Then right-click
and delete it. Otherwise you will have two gs directories in
the Recycle bin and not know which one to "Restore" if they both
have the same name. This is the way to do it if you don't know
some technical syntax or deep matlab menu option.
Remember not to use illegal characters when you create filenames
for the .eps images. Do ordinary.
Another thing to look at is to invoke GSview, under Start->
All programs. After it loads, at the top under Options, choose
Advanced Configure. I was once shocked to discover that my
gs.dll and gs include path pointed to gs 7.07 which was long
gone; you want your current which in your case is 8.14 I think.
Anyway, I think those entries are generated from reading the
registry. And sometimes GS doesn't uninstall properly and leaves
old traces in the registry which are erroneously detected & used.
The idea here is that if 8.14 is making the eps then when LyX
uses 8.14 it should be able to decipher them. This should work
unless some command line switches/snytax invoking ghostscript
has been changed from what worked with the old version but could
be different in the newer gs version. That doesn't happen all
that often so your chances should be good. This will avoid you
having to edit the Path prefix in lyx back and forth, in order
to change versions to accomodate the creating gs version.
Good luck,