Uwe Stöhr wrote:
TechTonics wrote:

I have the complete download and completely installed Miktex2.5.


This path sounds like the package is installed for MiKTeX 2.4 and not for 2.5.

Yes it does look like that. However, I used the Miktex2.5 complete
installer to download these packages just two days ago.

08/08/2006  06:19 AM           271,213 tex-ps.cab
08/08/2006  06:01 AM           849,429 tex-refs.cab
08/08/2006  05:55 AM           971,242 tex4ht.cab

and a random example taken from an expansion of another package
miktex-etex-base.cab\texmf\tex\latex - CAB archive, unpacked size 137,302 bytes

So it is Ok that they display that way, or they are all wrong! :-)

However, use MiKTeX's package manager to assure that you've installed the correct package "tex4ht" AND "miktex-tex4ht".

If they are installed, update MiKTeX because just yesterday came out a bugfix release including a new text4ht version.

That does sound promising. Let me check comp.text.tex

Christian Schenk wrote: Re: tex4ht and Miktex 2.5 Aug.10, 3:17am
> Sorry for being so late: the bug ("Not enough room in an internal
> buffer.") has been fixed in the MiKTeX source code. Run the update
> wizard to get the new DLLs.

Then you should have the file htlatex.bat in ~\miktex\bin

I think this may very well work now.

Do you mean that htlatex works for you from either LyX or the command line?

I tested it from within LyX and found the bug that tex4ht doesn't support paths with spaces - I hate this kind of bugs more and more!.
LyX's temp directory path contains spaces.

I will be happy if it works from the command line. I will
change the LyX temp and work directories to C:\lyxtemp and
C:\lyxwork, no spaces. I don't see why M$ couldn't have used
for C:\program files -> C:\programs like you have C:\programmes

I was suspicious of making the default c:\program files|miktex 2.5
not because of Miktex and paths and spaces but those helper modules
like bibtex, I think, also don't like paths with spaces. I filed a
bug about copying converted image files from a temp dir for LyX.

But anyway, could you please file a bug report at MiKTeX sourceforge project page.

thanks and regards Uwe

I will give this another try with no spaces anywhere. It used to work from the command line "htlatex myfile(.tex)" before even with spaces.


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