Ah, I was confused about what you wanted. Richard's explanation is exactly on the mark. I thought you wanted what he stated at the end of his message.

The remreset style file is (e.g.) at


On Aug 9, 2006, at 9:38 AM, Mike Reeks wrote:

Dear Jens
I only have the 2 statements you suggested in my preamble. I will try Richards advice.


From: Jens Noeckel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 09/08/2006 15:40
To: Mike Reeks
Cc: Uwe Stöhr; Lyx-users; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Equation numbering

I'm assuming your document class is derived from "article". I don't
know what else you have in the preamble, but in order for this to
work one needs to make sure that no other package re-defines the
counters after your modifications. So I would add the two lines


at the very end of the preamble. If this still doesn't work, I would
empty out the preamble except for the two lines above, and switch to
a basic article class (article, or koma-article), so you can be sure
that \theequation is really used as expected.


On Aug 9, 2006, at 1:46 AM, Mike Reeks wrote:

Dear Jens
In my preamble after the line
I added the line
which had nor effect. Have  I followed your suggestion correcty,
have I mispelt it. What next?


From: Jens Noeckel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 08/08/2006 19:00
To: Mike Reeks
Cc: Uwe Stöhr; Lyx-users; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Equation numbering

On Aug 8, 2006, at 9:16 AM, Mike Reeks wrote:

Dear Uwe
Nearly there. The command in preamble numbers the equation in each
section .without the section number. I want the equation number in
ascending order irrespective of section number e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc for
section n (before they were numbered n.1, n.2 etc.  I need to turn
of a section counter maybe.
Any help
I should say I am using a J. Fluid Mech cls layout file which
should do the trick since this is the journal  eqn number style.


From: Uwe Stöhr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 07/08/2006 21:23
To: Mike Reeks
Cc: Lyx-users; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Equation numbering

Mike Reeks wrote:

Any idea how to change Eqn numbering from numbering by section to
absolute numbering?

Add this line to your preamble or at the beginning of your
document in
ERT (assure that you use amsmath explicitely in the document


regards Uwe

Try the following (one additional line):



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