>>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>>From: Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: xfig external inset (pstex pstex_t mechanism)
>>Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:48:27 +0200
>>Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
>>> Seems that lyx does not add the required \usepackage{xcolor} when an xfig
>>> inset is present, I had to add it manually to make it work.
>>Why xcolor? color works for me. xcolor would require to change the C++
>>sources ;-(

Sure, color is OK, but as xcolor seems to contain color,
I've got used to \usepackage{xcolor}

Why do you need to change the C++ sources ? That's just a template to change, 
as you explained.


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