If you haven't done so already, I would suggest to update TeX using
the i-Installer (just in case, see http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/
Walkthrough#toc17 if you don't know how). Then give a "sudo
texhash" (authenticated by your admin password) from the Terminal
followed by a LyX reconfigure.
You can also check the LaTeXConfig.lyx-file in Application Support/
LyX-1.4/doc/ (or in your case Library/LyX-1.4/doc/ to see if you can
get any clues from there. This should (hopefully) fix it if its a
"simple" problem.
(Sorry if I just re-iterate things you already tried.)
Bernd Kulawik
Fri, 21 Jul 2006 00:40:10 -0700
Dear Anders and all,
sorry for the unprecise question -- after years of reading mailing
list (but having to write questions only very few times) I still
make these errors: So, you are right, I installed everything
regarding TeX with the i- Installer. Very strange ist, that _all_
the classes are "missing" from LyX's point of view: When I open a
new document, there is no complain - but when I want to see a
preview or transform it (e.g. into HTML), LyX says it is not able
to do so because of the missing classes. That, on the "surface" is
the only "error message" I got. I did not try (because I never had
to deal with this after my first LyX installs on Linux in 1998 or
so ...) to use the shell for further information. Should I - and
if, how?
When I open an old document - like the one I was successfully
writing and printing on Monday - I get "The document uses a missing
TeX class "article". LyX will not be able to produce output."
When I create a new document and check in the document preferences,
in the "class" list really all the dozens of classes are
"unavailable". As I wrote, this happened before, I already had
fixed it by putting a copy of the "LyX-1.4" folder and writing it's
path in the LyX preferences ... but now LyX seems to be not able to
find any of the paths mentioned in my post below.
I hope I do not have to re-install all the i-Installer packages and
finally also LyX to solve this problem ...? (What makes me wonder,
anyway, is how LyX could change its behaviour between Monday and
Wednesday ...)
Thank you all for any suggestions!
Am 20.07.2006 um 22:34 schrieb Anders Ekberg:
If I understand you correctly the problem seems to be TeX- rather
than LyX-related. Could you explain exactly what you do and what
the error message is?
Do you use TeX as installed by the i-Installer? Which class(es)
are missing? Have you installed these yourself or are they
included in the LyX-bundle and you have added a path to them
Bernd Kulawik
Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:46:40 -0700
thanx to all who made this possible.
But I - again - have a problem I had solved before (on Mac OSX
10.4.7): All the classes have been "unavailable" for me until I
moved the LyX-1.4 folder from /users/.../Library/Application
Support/ to / users/.../Library/ --- because I had learned that
LaTeX does not like paths with "empty spaces" in their names. Ok,
it worked, I wrote a short article a few days ago ... and since
Tuesday I got the "unavailable" again. Though I changed the Paths
in the Preferences (or looked, if there were still the correct
paths given - they were) and "reconfigured" LyX 2 times.
Now, after installing LyX-1.4.2, the problem remains.
Any idea what went wrong? Am I the only person too stupid to find
the reason ... or does anybody else have the problem too. The
solution described above is the one I found for the problem - and
it worked ... a few days. Strange, isn't it?
Thanks for any hints and suggestions!