I know what the problem is, because I also experienced it.
The problem is that the layout you try to use is for a older version of
LyX. When you load it in LyX 1.4.2, the layout2layout script is run in
order to convert it to the format of LyX 1.4.2. The resulting layout is
ok (well, I have not investigated too much) except for the last line:
<<Input obsolete.inc>>
If you delete this line everyting is ok. So you should:
1) Run layout2layout.py sig-alternate.layout sig-alternate_new.layout
2) Edit sig-alternate_new.layout to remove the aforementioned line
3) Rename sig-alternate_new.layout to sig-alternate.layout and copy it
to the layouts folder
Now the question is whether the layout2layout script should have removed
the "Input obsolete.inc" line. Or if LyX should have pointed to this
problem, rather than just saying "I cannot load this class". I cannot
answer to these questions! :-)
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
Sebastian Zander wrote:
the class is also listed in Lyx->Tools->Tex Information->Latex Classes
but i cannot use it :(
Are the *.layout files in place?