>>Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 16:47:54 -0700
>>To: LyX User <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
>>Subject: Re: LyX142 DVI
>>From: Steve Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>The dvi.png looks much better than what I first saw.
>>But the cropping seems to be off when compared to
>>the graphic that LyX produces with pdflatex.
>>I attach a comparison picture, the pdf.png.

Here conversion to eps is provided by convertDefault.sh, that is IM convert.
In a shell
convert  fig_chapman.pdf  fig_chapman.eps
does not crop, in spite of the CropBox line within  fig_chapman.pdf :

/MediaBox [0 0 595 842]
/CropBox [5.24043 11.9664 161.905 188.911]

I suspect that convert uses MediaBox rather than CropBox,
while pdflatex uses CropBox.
If somebody on the list can confirm this...

Sun Solaris 5.8, ImageMagick 6.2.6 01/27/06 Q16


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