Richard, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
I see you're now at Brown, my alma mater (mathematics).
On Jul 17, 2006, at 4:52 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
Basically, what you need to do is run LaTeX manually instead of
LyX do it for you. Detailed instructions follow.
Let's say your LyX file is /home/you/doc.lyx. Open it in LyX and
your LyX document as LaTeX (File>Export>LaTeX). It will turn up as
/home/you/doc.tex. Open a terminal and go to /home/you. (Better yet:
Create a temporary directory /tmp/lyx and copy doc.tex over there, so
you don't make a mess.) Now run:
#latex doc.tex
<<Much output follows>>
#bibtex doc
That will create /home/you/doc.bbl.
As far as pasting the .bbl file into the LaTeX file goes, here's
how we
do that. (I'd suggest you NOT try this with the LyX file.) Open
/home/you/doc.tex and /home/you/doc.bbl in whatever text editor you
like. TeXShop will do. So will anything else that is a text editor. At
or near the end of the LaTeX file you will find lines like these:
Delete (or comment out) these lines. Now paste the whole of the .bbl
file where those lines used to be. Save as /home/you/
We can check that this worked by now going back to /home/you/ and
<<Much output follows>>
<<Much less output follows>>
Yes, twice. The second time, as noted, much less output should appear.
In particular, you should not see a bunch of "undefined citation"
warnings, which you will see the first time. This should create, which you can now view using whatever dvi viewer you
Bruce Pourciau wrote:
I've got a .bib file and a .bst style file. A journal tells me to
from these a .bbl file, so I can include (as a TeX inset?) the .bbl
file in my LyX document and/or cut and paste the .bbl file into the
TeX file. Any suggestions on how to make such a .bbl file? I know I
need to "run BibTeX on the .bib file," but I'm not sure how to do
using TeXShop.
Any help would be appreciated.