On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Angus Leeming wrote:

If the editor(s) would also take up the job of maintaining the wiki, that would be even more valuable IMO.

The editor(s) can definitely also maintain (guide, be in charge of) the wiki as well. However, if editor(s) prefer I think it's quite doable to keep these tasks separted as well. It might also feel less intimidating to only be editor of one of these things...

I certainly think the wiki needs editors - just like the documentation in general. The editors would then be in charge of the contents and structure, with the support of me and any other volunteeers/developers helping to add content. Basically the editors are the guiding hands.

I imagine the editor(s) deciding on a structure and then asking for developers and users to write the parts and pieces.

Maybe what we should do is describe what the job involves and ask for people to volunteer? Frankly, I have no idea how this kind of position would be filled... do we have an election? Lottery? Anybody who wants becomes an editor?

As a job it only pays in terms of respect and authority, i.e. having the final word in how things are to be structured. And the respect part you'll only get if you do good work... ;-)

Btw, I'd like to thank everybody who help the wiki by removing spam as it appears. You are in fact partly helping as editors while doing that!


For the record, I don't quite see myself as maintaining the wiki. In my mind I merely *administer* it as well as develop it.

In other words, I make sure it's operational, do software updates, try to document its infrastructure and develop/implement new functionality. So if user's come up with a request for something that they like to have working on the wiki, I'll try and achieve that.

There are two (big) reasons for why I am not suitable as editor for the wiki:

* Lack of time to both administer/support as well as be editor of the wiki

* In my opinion it's bad if the administer and editor is the same person.
  I think it is necessary to separate contents/structure from the actual
  framework/implementation. Otherwise you'll end up being to "close" to
  what you are doing, resulting in poor results and judgement.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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