Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Since Bo also says it does not work (and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only Windows user for whom it does work), perhaps we should be looking for environmental similarities/differences.


I noticed that the python24.dlls were not the same size or date:

Directory of C:\lyx\LyX14\python

07/16/2006  07:41 PM    <DIR>          .
07/16/2006  07:41 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/16/2006  07:26 PM    <DIR>          DLLs
07/16/2006  07:27 PM    <DIR>          Lib
07/16/2006  07:26 PM    <DIR>          libs
03/29/2006  08:35 AM             4,608 python.exe
03/29/2006  08:35 AM         1,871,872 python24.dll


Directory of C:\windows\system32

03/30/2005  10:14 AM         1,867,776 python24.dll


So I tried updating the Windows/system32 python24.dll.
No luck. I tried uninstalling Python altogether and
the Python under LyX didn't work. I tried reinstalling
Python2.4.3, the version Joost used and no luck. I
tried with the larger 62mb version and no luck. The
Python under LyX defeats Tex Information; it has to
be deleted before the system Python makes Tex Info work.

I'll leave this to those the older and wiser before beauty,

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