Hi all, In several places in my latest book I need to insert tab indented outlines. Here's an example:
Whole program Initialize Open input file for read Open output file for write Copy loop Read input record Copy to output buffer Translate characters Write output record Finalize Close input file Close output file Print ending message How do I do that in LyX in such a way that I don't get too much space between lines, and it's obvious that this outline is a think in itself and not just part of the flow of the document? Thanks SteveT Steve Litt Author: * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist * Manager's Guide to Technical Troubleshooting * Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/bookstore http://www.troubleshooters.com/utp/tcourses.htm