It worked!! Thanks a lot!
Rich Shepard schrieb:
On Wed, 14 Jun 2006, Dominik Cabrerizo wrote:
I am using Lyx to write my thesis and have a BibTex List in my document.
The problem is that the Book titles are all wirtten in small letters
the first one, thats a capital. I used JabRef to create the list.
Is there a way of changing this?
Put the text exactly as you want it to appear within braced {}.
These would
be in addition to the braces that enclose the field.
For example, in the bibTeX file for my book I have this;
title = {The application of fuzzy logic analysis to assessing the
significance of environmental impacts: Case studies from {M}exico and
Notice that the initial letters of Mexico and Canada are enclosed in
to force them to uppercase.