i am trying to use hyperref in a report class document. i would like to
have a list in the bookmark section of pdf file showing the table of
contents and have links so that the reader can move from the reference
in the text to biblogrphy section and back. i don't know much about it
but by reading the manual i tried to add the following command in the
preamble for this
bookmarksopen=true,bookmarks=true,bookmarkstype=toc,citebordercolor=1 1 1,
=1 1 1,pagebordercolor=1 1 1}
In the Pdf file the links are created in the table of contents and also
for the references in the text. But the problem is that all the links
have boxes around them. i tired citebordercolor option as above and also
linkbordercolor=1 1 1 and colorlinks=false option but the it has no
effect on the ouput. Also the bookmarks it not created.
i would be very thankful to receive some help on this issue.