On Mon, 29 May 2006, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
since on one hand people are all the time asking for layouts for
this&that and on the other hand there are surely a lot of people who
have already written their own layout files I'm wondering how we could
share those layout files.
Should we simply add our layout files to the LyX wiki
Hi Ingo
That's my suggestion, and you might also wish to announce it to this list.
If yes, then why are there almost no layout files available? (I hope I'm
not stepping on anyone's toes by asking this question.)
You ask a very good question, and to be honest I have no idea whatsoever
why people aren't sharing their layouts, but here's two gueses:
* People feel that their layout isn't "good" enough...
* People feel that it's too difficult to upload the layout...
Is there a policy for adding layout files (e.g. only layout files which
don't require homebrewn style or class files) which many homebrewn
layout files probably don't comply with?
Just to be perfectly clear:
* Everybody are more than welcome to add their layouts to the wiki
* The layout can be about anything, or require additional packages.
(If you're nice, you'll also upload a copy of the package, or
give a link to the required package)
* It is not difficult to upload the layout. And if you do run into
some problem, I, or others on this list, will be happy to help you.
* There is no minimum quality level on your layout, if it works for
you, it might well be useful for others!
Anyway, I'm just asking because the layout file(s) I've used for my
thesis might be of general interest because they are for scrbook +
ntheorem + enumerate. I've already sent them to the list a few days ago
(at least I think I've sent them to the list) but it's probably easier
for others to get them from the Wiki then from the list archive.
Definitely. Why don't you have a go at adding the layout to the wiki.
Please try adding it yourself first, and if/when you run into problems
I'll help. Then I can also try and improve the instructions so that it's
easier for the next person.
PS. The username/password for uploading files is 'lyx'/'LyXers'
Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr