Stephen, First, I should say that using terms such as "what silly nonsense" does *not* impress others as having any sort of open or constructive attitude. Instead, it comes across as condescending, to put it mildly.
As for your assertion that "Word has failed for years as program of choice for technical writers"--that simply betrays that you know little of the current tech writing profession. Although I am new to LyX and laTeX, I *have* been a tech writer for the better part of twenty years, and am a longtime member of the Society for Technical Communications. Although I personally cannot *stand* Word for tech writing, I would estimate that roughly half of all the commercial tech writing projects today use it. You are correct, though, that the "Master Document" feature is an abortion and has never worked properly--and thus it is rarely attempted for tech pubs work. The more compelling problem, I believe, is the brain-dead autonumbering in Word. Many projects within the tech writing field today are done in FrameMaker, which Adobe has not *quite* managed to kill yet. However, they seem to be working to fold more long document features into InDesign with each upgrade, with their intention being to use its code base as a next-generation documentation tool. I know of very few shops using TeX in any flavor for tech documentation--although it seems to be far more popular in academia than it is in commercial software development. That said, I have held on several professional mail lists for tech writers that the LyX approach seems far better suited for documentation than other solutions. Entirely too much time is spent by tech writers fiddling with layout, and version upgrades are complicated by various style and format overrides in the documents. At present, I believe that there is increasing interest in XML authoring solutions, with a document production sequence that permits these files to be printed properly--although "printed" these days increasingly does not include printing. Delivery in Acrobat format is extremely popular and is rapidly replacing printed manual production. Where I think discussions like this can be most productive is to address comments on what you believe to be their merits and not by dismissing them with pejoritives. Otherwise, you simply drive away people who may be extremely helpful additions to the user community. Rather than dismissing these comments out of hand with some notion of what "cannot" be done given the present state of the program, why not address the ideas based upon whether they are truly desirable on their merits, with the method of producing such a result left to a separate discussion. For example, I could easily see a separate software environment in which samples of each of the layouts included with LyX could be called up, with content including instructions on the various particulars of that format. As it stands, learning the various uses of the included layout files is chaotic at best, so seeing such sample files onscreen would be a great help. That would also be a great help in determining what layout files to use as the basis for any modifications desired. In such a situation, popup "tool tips" could easily enough show the laTeX or LyX code required for the given feature (to list just one example). That would also be extremely helpful in learning the most commonly used commands. With such sample and instruction files, a variety of options could be set to result in the layout alterations desired, and saved when the software environment is changed back to the regular production interface. This would, I believe, be just one method of making the details to which people have referred relatively easy (at least for basic changes), while not complicating the basic interface and menu selections unduly. This is but an offhand suggestion I have not thought through completely. However, I offer it as a potential means of arriving at the goal of a more easily-mastered layout designer. It is similar in some respects to the development environment of the early Xerox workstations, which had one environment for average users in whcih there were no real development options, and another one for developmers in which alterations ("hacks" in their jargon at the time) could be easily made, and saved for use in the normal environment. This was in the days of the 6085 workstation and, before that, the Star system. Thus, there are few truly new ideas around--but many old ones are very worthwhile for considering how to address problems today. David