Hi there,

my goal is to make available the definition, example, etc from book (AMS) 
in book (koma-script). Now, I am not en expert and the fact that this has not 
been done, probably does have some reason which I, very well, might have 
missed. Anyways, what I did was to copy scrbook.layout to ~/.lyx/layouts 
and inset a

#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[scrbook]{book (koma-script + AMS)}

then I tried two things. First 

Input amsmaths.inc

This did not work. Lyx: The document could not be converted into the 
document class scrbookAMS.

Second I did:

I am aware of 

and so I included


but then I got the message that /theoremstyle{plain} is an undef. control 
sequence - which I agree to, but where do I get it from? 

I would appreciate any hints to enlighten my dull mind.


Oliver Ruebenkoenig, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Phone: ++49 +761 203 7388

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