Maria Gouskova wrote:
I have the same exact problem, also on Mac OS 10.4.6--upgrading from
1.3x to 1.4 broke image support. I used JPEG images, and LyX says it
cannot find a converter.
Reconfiguring LyX didn't fix it.
What is the converter for JPEG images, just so I can manually define it
in Preferences>Converters? And should LyX maybe define one by default,
since it used to work in LyX 1.3.7? Thanks,
Maria Prerequisites
2. Use the fink package management system to install tetex,
ghostscript, and imagemagick.
Imagemagick is the standard program used on all platforms for
image conversion. The installer is supposed to check for the
installation of Imagemagick and automatically use it, if found.
pdflatex works on .png, jpeg, pdf, & gif files but an eps format
needs to be converted in order for pdflatex to work. If you
don't have (free) Imagemagick installed, install it and then
reconfigure LyX. My solution only covers this possibility.
But sometimes the LyX installer doesn't find the proper (Paths)
converters and viewers even though they are on the hard drive.
I think the troubleshooting order should start with ImageMagick.