> >
> > Wonderful! Now it worked.
> >
> > Number 1 and number 3 are left to solve. I tried to put the things
> > here inside a margin note to the title too, but I got lots of errors.
> > Look: http://dump.sweclockers.com/gapa/lyx20060426.png
> hm, I didn't get any errors. I do seem to have an older version than
> you... Try to load the minimal lyx file I send and see if it gives the
> same error.
> Ingar
> --

It works with your file. The difference seems to be that I had started
a new paragraph. Isn't it possible to do that?

>> >Insert->Special formatting->Horizonal fill
>> Well, then the text gets right allignment. I don't want that.
>Then what do you want? Inserting a horizontal fill pushes the text to
>the right margin, i.e. if you use it in the first line of a page, the
>text should appear "in the upper right corner of the first page" (as you

Well, have a look at http://dump.sweclockers.com/gapa/lyxlines.png. I
want the text to be like the lines, with the first line beginning at
the same place and the other lines being indented.

Albert Pettersson

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