On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 05:49:46PM -0400, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Oisin C. Feeley wrote:
> >In the preamble for the document (LyX->Document->Layout->Preamble) add the 
> >following:
> >
> >\usepackage{fancyhdr}
> >\pagestyle{fancy}
> >\rhead{\bfseries 123456789}
> >
> In LyX, only the third line is necessary.  In LyX 1.3.x, go to 
> Layout->Document...->Layout and set the Page style drop-down list to 
> "fancy".  Then go to Layout->Document...->Preamble and add the \rhead 
> command.  In LyX 1.4.x it's Document->Settings...->Page Layout->Page 
> style and Document->Settings...->LaTeX Preamble, respectively.

Good catch!  Also, the example I gave above will include a horizontal line at 
the top of the page.  To remove that then add the following to the preamble 
(which should be modified in the manner which Paul pointed out):

\rhead{\bfseries 123456789}

The new line will remove the horizontal line at the top, should you so wish, 
leaving you merely with the number "123456789" at the top right.


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