Declan O'Byrne wrote:
Hi all,
Could anyone offer me a brief introduction to hyphenation in lyx. In
practice, I'm getting un-hyphenated documents, and I'm trying to understand
why. Are the rules of hyphenation based on some package that I haven't
invoked? Where do I go to understand what's wrong?
1. Make sure you have selected the correct langauge for your
document. (Look at the language setting in the document settings.)
2. Try running texconfig, and check if hyphenation for your
language of choice is installed and enabled.
I don't see anything of apparent relevance in the preamble, or in any of the
menus... but maybe I'm overlooking the obvious?
Another check:
Then, run "latex myfile.tex" from the command line.
You should now get a "myfile.log" too, which details what happened.
Lyx will also make this logfile when you do view->dvi or view->pdf,
but it happens somewhere in /tmp.
Read the logfile. In the beginning, you should get something like:
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=latex
2006.3.30) 10 APR 2006 14:30
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel <v3.8d> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german,
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch,
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar,
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish,
swedish, tur
kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.
If your language isn't in this log - then you need to install it.
If it is, then you need to select the correct language in "document
Further down the log you should see your language being activated:
Package: babel 2004/11/20 v3.8d The Babel package
Language: norsk 2004/02/20 v2.0h Norsk support from the babel system
As you see, I use "norsk".
Helge Hafting