Wang Xiangqi wrote:
I can successfully install LyX-win 1.4.1 on my office computer under Windows
xp. However, when I tried it on my notebook, it freezed
when running the configuration during installing. When "+checking for
"/Resources/../src/tex2lyx/tex2lyx"...", there are no any reponses. Note
that the Tex environment is fine. I have used LyX 1.3.7 for a long time and
it works nice.

Can anyone give me some hints to pass through it?

More thanks.

Wang Xiangqi
Mechanical Engineering
National University of Singapore

1. Which installer did you use, Angus's (installs just LyX, points to other software if needed) or Uwe's (installs anything you don't already have)? Uwe's runs somewhere between 22 and 56 MB, depending on version (I think); Angus's is in the single-digit MB range.

2. How long did you wait to see if the freeze thawed? On my machines, the installer script pauses at one or two points while substantial background computing is taking place. I don't recall if the tex2lyx check was one of those places. During the freeze, was your hard drive light blinking (frantically)?

All else failing, you might try uninstalling (removing all traces of LyX, including any configuration files) and doing a clean reinstallation. Of course, it would be a good idea to back up configuration files in case you need them again.

Incidentally, if you want to install 1.4.1 parallel to 1.3.7, rather than replacing it (a prudent idea; 1.4.1 has not been officially released yet, at least for Windows), then you should do the following:

(a) install to a different directory;

(b) do *not* let the installer launch 1.4.1 (but do let it create an icon on the desktop); and

(c) edit the icon (right click, select Properties, then the Shortcut tab) and change the Target field to use a different user directory than what 1.3.7 uses. A typical target field (after editing) might look like

"C:\Program Files\LyX 1.4.1 pre1\bin\lyx.bat" -userdir "C:\Documents and Settings\<your id here>\Application Data\lyx 1.4.1"

with suitable modifications to the paths. Assuming you have not already created a 1.4.1 home directory, you'll be prompted whether to create it (yes) the first time you launch 1.4.1.

I think there have been changes in the preference file between 1.3.7 and 1.4.1. If you try to run them both using the same home directory, 1.4.1 will make changes to the preference file that will give 1.3.7 indigestion.


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