>>>>> "belahcene" == belahcene abdelkader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
belahcene> Hi every body, I ve just check the 1.4.0 version, there are belahcene> a lot diff than 1.3.4 and bugs too. I wnat to switch with belahcene> F12 to another language, say arabic, so I uncomment the belahcene> arabic part in lyxrc.example and I copied it to lyxrc (I belahcene> used to do it without problem since 1.1.6 versiion), it is belahcene> working on 1.3.4 but not 1.4.0, the \bind is not belahcene> recognized. First I have to fix this pb before continue and belahcene> check other things best regards bela thank for help It is not possible anymore to put \bind commands in lyxrc file. You should use a personal bind file to do that, like ------mybindings.bind------------------ \bind_file cua \bind "Delete" "delete-backward" ---------------------------------------- The lyxrc.example file is obsolete, and should probably be removed. JMarc