On 02/04/2006, at 10:19 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
You'll notice that even when the image appears (and by the way,
where did you get a picture of my ex-girlfriend?), the bullet text
overwrites it. This is a known bug/feature of floatflt, for which
there is a work-around (section 3.1 of the floatflt manual) that
requires you to replace \item commands with a customized version --
which I think effectively requires you to set the bullet list in
ERT <sigh>. I'm not positive, but I think what you're encountering
(which I reproduced here with LyX 1.4.1 on Win XP) is another
aspect of the same bug. You might want to report it to the package
author. The manual (a DVI file in the docs/latex/floatflt folder
under your main TeX installation) has contact info.
<sigh> indeed... For some reason, my copy didn't come with the manual
for floatflt, but I managed to track one down... The problem I
described *is* a known bug, and the work around *is* to use ERT:
\fltitem{text }
instead of
\item text
I suppose I can fix this up as some kind of default or something
using a macro (which I know nothing about yet), but otherwise it's
going to be a real pain to have to type this ERT in every time and
forgo any of the GUI capabilities of LyX within these items!
Any quick and easy suggestions that will allow me to keep the rest of
LyX happening?
Thanks again,
Lee Yeoh