On Mar 15, 2006, at 6:33 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Yaron" == Yaron Y Goland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yaron> I run Lyx 1.4 on my G5 dual proc 1.8 Ghz processors w/a gig of
Yaron> ram and it's slow as molasses. It's so slow that I literally
Yaron> type faster than it can handle, I often have to stop and wait
Yaron> for it to catch up. I haven't seen such awful performance since
Yaron> I used to run terminal applications over a 1200 baud modem.

Is that when typing on toplevel text or inside insets?



I can confirm this slowness. I installed LyX 1.4 from the binary installer on a MacBook Pro (Intel processor) so LyX is running in a processor emulation called Rosetta. This amplifies the sluggishness, which is bad for me but good for seeing directly where LyX is being slowed down. E.g., when I use arrow keys to move into a math formula, then I can press the down arrow multiple times until LyX finally moves out of the equation again. The buffered arrow key events then cause the cursor to slip a couple of lines down before LyX comes to a halt. The worst slow-down appears when the cursor happens to be in a sub-level of a math formula, such as a subscript. It can take about one second to get out of a formula environment (which is an unacceptably long time when you're in the flow of typing).

Another issue is that the scroll bar on the LyX window doesn't seem to work properly. Clicking on areas that usually create a page-down, I just get a line-by-line scrolling behavior.

Finally, my issues with screen fonts for special math symbols such as \iiint are still unresolved (bugzilla bug 2326) in 1.4 binary.


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