Hello, My name is Nate Mullins and I am a graduate student at the University of Utah. I have written my Master's thesis in Lyx but am experiencing some formatting issues that neither my academic advisor nor I have been able to resolve:
1. How do I reformat the table of contents? Specifically, I a) need a double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b) need to enlarge the font from Default to Large. 2. I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make the font really small (too small). I need to enlarge the font, but would you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple pages or b) make the columns narrower? 3. Page bottom margins are set to 1" but on some pages, the text goes below 1" (to about 0.75"). I don't understand why--seems to be a bug. 4. Widow/orphan control is not working consistently. 5. How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page? If a page break needs to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break? 6. How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text (not the caption)? Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to change it. 7. How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section (or subsection) and the next section heading? Lyx seems to arbitrarily place triple spaces here and there and I don't want them. 8. Currently there is a triple space between the References page heading and the first listed reference. I need to change to double space but see no way to do this. I will greatly appreciate any help. Regards, Nate