On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Jose' Matos wrote:

 As discussed in other thread that is true if you want permanent
configuration, for session-wide the right button over the toolbar gives you
more options.

 I hope I am answering your question. :-)


  I must have missed the pertinent messages in the other thread. When I press
the right button while the cursor is over a tool bar I get a box that allows
me to turn on/off Standard | Extra | Table | Math | Command buffer. What I
would very much like is words rather than pictures in the toolbar, and a way
of putting them on a single line rather than two half-lines.

  I'll go back to the Help->Customization and see if I can find the
answers there.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.             |  Quantifying subjectivity for the
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