I have known the problem Stacia and Paul are  reporting,
and I agree with Paul, that one can easily live with it.

Still, I could imagine that one could provide key command,
prompting LyX or instant preview  to do a refresh - either
for the current editing window or for the whole document.

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Stacia Hartleben wrote:

I was going to post this again in the IPA question list, but I thought
I might post it here. I'm using LyX 1.3.7 on Windows. Sometimes when
I'm working with instant preview (not just linguistics, when I am
writing math papers with subscripts and so on), LyX will not
automatically change everything into an instant preview.

This happens to me, somewhat routinely (same version, same OS -- also happened with 1.3.6).

I'm left with
a weird looking paper where half of the subscripts are in instant
preview and half aren't. The only way to get them out of this mode is
to click on the item and then click outside of it - usually then it
makes it display.

I think scrolling up and down (and being a bit patient before returning to an inset) sometimes "gooses" LyX to do the IP conversion.

Is this supposed to happen,

Probably not.

or are the images
supposed to display "instantly" sort of like how graphics display? Am
I doing something wrong? I can send a screenshot if someone is
confused about what I mean.

You're not doing anything wrong. A brief delay before processing a formula would not be unreasonable; I not infrequently lurch out of a math inset before I'm done editing it (hit the space bar one time too many coming out of a subscript, for instance), and have to dive right back in. A deliberate (brief) delay would save some wasted processing. What you and I are experiencing, however, does not seem to be a planned delay (or at least not solely that), since some insets convert almost immediately and others sit around for quite a while in their "raw" state.

When I open up a document sometimes I have trouble with the instant
preview too, especially with linguistics trees and stuff. I couldn't
seem to reproduce the problem with my math paper and subscripts (given
a couple seconds they all turned into the instant preview version).

Instant preview is doing running latex each time it updates, so if you have a lot of insets (and some of them require more than average processing by latex), it's not surprising that the initial conversions might take a while. That said, I run into the same problem of insets waiting for Godot when I open a document that I do when editing.

It's a bit distracting, but IMHO not a major problem.


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