I just reinstalled LyX 1.3.5 on a brand new computer. I'm writing in french and
use french guillemets << and >> for quotation. At least I try to, as they
appear as spanish upside down exclamation-mark and question-mark. I remember
having the problem once but can't figure out how I solved it. I use latin9
coding and french
both in Preferences and Document. Other combination like french (gutemberg) or
other codings won't do any good. Please help...
Puisque ces mystères nous dépassent
Feignons d'en être l'organisateur.
Don't know about 1.3.5, but in 1.3.7 you just change Layout -> Document
-> Language -> Quote Style to double and select <<text>> from the
drop-down Type list. If that's not a feature in 1.3.5, perhaps you
should consider upgrading (which I recommend in any case).