Matthias Schmidt wrote:

I`m working with WinXP, Lyx 1.3.7 and JabRef 2.0.1.

The citation reference is positioned in the footnote. The bibliography
for the document is formatted as natbib and author-year. So far so
good: in the Lyx user interface the result is given correct as in this
     "Gerhard (1953)".
So: Lyx can find the name of the author.

But in the dvi-preview and in the pdf-print is the citation reference
printed as
     "(author ?)[2]"
Here the name of the author cannot be found. It should be something
with autor and year.

What has happened there? What's wrong?

I suppose, that you enabled the bibliography not from within
LyX. If so, then you have to run bibtex by yourself, which
is not the best choice ... use LyX for with insert->bibliography


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