----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Can't find eps file when exporting

Gunnar wrote:
It seems to be related to the fact that pdflatex can't handle eps and everygraphics file must be converted to pdf with the epstopdf command.
How can I tell LyX to do this for me?

AFAIK, at least as of version 1.3.7, you can't get LyX to do that. When you use the View menu, LyX unleashes a script that does appropriate graphics conversions as needed, in the temp directory. I'm pretty sure the export function does *not* do equivalent conversions.

There is a file named sample.tex which resides in /texmf/doc/dvipdfm
which includes a .jpg of the author and a couple of electronic .eps images.

In 137 (but not 140pre3) I can import sample.tex with LyX and it opens
as sample.lyx. This is viewable as DVI. Under View, the file can also be
converted with the dvipdfm option to .pdf format (but not pdflatex) and
Acrobat Reader can also save this viewed file with another filename if
desired to a more convenient location. The size of the View->Save a Copy
pdf and the file created by exporting by the dvipdfm method are the same.
There is quite a bit of other stuff created in the temp directory.

Directory of C:\lyxtemp\lyx_tmpdir3088a03832\lyx_tmpbuf1

2/14/2006  11:37 AM    <DIR>          .
2/14/2006  11:37 AM    <DIR>          ..
2/14/2006  11:37 AM           192,874 0C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_mwicks.eps
2/14/2006  11:27 AM             5,778 0C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_mwicks.jpeg
2/14/2006  11:27 AM            10,020 1C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_transistor.eps
2/14/2006  11:31 AM             2,360 1C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_transistor.pdf
2/14/2006  11:27 AM             7,215 2C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_something.eps
2/14/2006  11:31 AM             3,278 2C__texmf_doc_dvipdfm_something.pdf
2/14/2006  11:37 AM             9,424 sample.dvi
2/14/2006  11:31 AM            13,201 sample.log
2/14/2006  11:31 AM               285 sample.out
2/14/2006  11:37 AM           225,546 sample.pdf  [by View->Save a Copy]
02/14/2006  11:37 AM           225,546 sampled.pdf [by export with dvipdfm]*
2/14/2006  11:37 AM             3,930 sample.tex
2/14/2006  11:27 AM             1,598 sample.tex.dep

I think this is evidence that epstopdf ran in the background.
Ps2pdf also worked which surprised me. *was saved in another lyx_tmpbuf


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