On Wed, 01 Feb 2006 23:34:17 -0800 "Marc D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have created a rather large lyx file (all my course notes). In one > section, I can't get it to work. I have reduced the problem to a > minimum. There are 3 characters on my screen, in two lines. > > I get SIX errors with those 3 characters. > > Answer: it's the \textmf that causes ALL six errors. You mean \textrm (and all 35 > errors in my original file). All from a a single, obviously > misplaced, \textmf tag that I DID NOT INSERT (or knowingly insert. I > don't USE different fonts in my document!) Well, the thing is, in order to typeset the 2^Q, you should use math-mode -- which you seemed to have done. However, _within_ math mode, if you go into math-mode _again_, LyX treats it as text-within-a-formula -- an inset of a text box within the formula inset. You may have done that inadvertantly, or you may be trying to get the 2^Q to display without the Q being italicized. At any rate, TeX then thinks you are trying a math layout inside a text region, and will get confused. If you just hit the math-mode menu item a second time, then don't do that. If you want to avoid the italicized Q, then, ... , there is a way. Go into math-mode. Type the 2, then type ^ to get in the superscript. Then toggle math-mode again, inside the superscript box, and type your Q. > Questions: > What key sequence would have inserted \textmf when ANY occurence of > such text causes so many errors? It's the double entry into math-mode, which gets you a text box within a math box, that was the problem. > > Why doesn't LyX do the right thing when converting said text to LaTeX? Because it thinks it isn't supposed to do that. > > Why, when I erased the entire paragraph containing this string and > retyped it, did the textmf string REAPPEAR in exactly the same > place?? Because you typed it in the same way. -- David L. Johnson __o | "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored _`\(,_ | by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." --Ralph Waldo (_)/ (_) | Emerson