----- Original Message -----
From: "Yaron Y. Goland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Stephen Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: A Newbie's Experience with LyX (rambling)
I don't think you were aware, when writing your review, that
the strength of LyX is generating mathematical equations as
LyX is a front-end to (La)TeX.
Actually my example article did use a mathematical equation to illustrate
the power of LyX, in fact, that was the very first example I gave and for
the reasons you site, TeX's background. In fact, in my article I state
"TEX, the underlying technology for LyX, was original invented in order
to produce beautiful mathematical equations." So it would appear we are
in agreement.
I didn't see the equation. I used Internet Explorer which leaves a
large space before showing the equation, then I quit reading. When
I looked at it with Firefox the page shows up as very readable.
Why compare LyX in the
category of liberal arts html page-makers?
I'm afraid I don't understand your point. As I state in my conclusion
"The only reason I put up with LyX is that it makes handling the formulas
and bibliography issues with my book on retirement planning much easier
to deal with." In other words, the reason I used LyX at all was because
I'm writing a book on retirement planning that I'm posting on my website
that involves a large number of equations and an extensive bibliography,
two areas where TeX especially shines.
My remark is in conjunction with your earlier comment:
"But I think if you review the issues I list you will find that I am
trying to create a static document that can be 'reasonably' outputted
as HTML in the same sense that one uses LyX to create a document that
can be 'reasonably' outputted as a PDF. The key issue of course is
what is 'reasonable'? I'd argue that any basic formatting that one
would normally associate with a static document should be available
for HTML formatting."
SH: I see a lot of webpages that have links/contain documents that were
created with *tex as a typesetting engine that could have been created
with LyX. They are usually in .pdf, .ps or .dvi format, and they retain
right justification. So the conversion to textual html removes kerning.
I've always thought of that typsetting aspect of LyX as basic so that I
never thought of LyX as a tool to make webpages. I suppose the html
converters work better on *nix-like systems. The only one that worked
for me on Windows was htlatex and it isn't one of the converters that
Lyx checks for. I suppose it could added in the new converter section.
I don't think LyX is supposed to be good at converting to html because
Tex and early Latex were designed before webpages were a priority, so
there is no inbuilt compatibility. It seems like it should be easier than it
is. I've seen LyX recommended for ragged right with short stories though.
So I suppose Rich was right, it's a matter of opinion,