On 23 Jan 06, at 20:03, Bennett Helm wrote:
On Jan 23, 2006, at 7:58 PM, Marc D. wrote:
The problem is that although I can see the included images
in the LyX screen, I cannot see the images when I select
View --> PDF (pdflatex). I can't even get Preview to show
anything if I pick the other two options (dvidpdm and 'ps to pdf').
With pdflatex, the PDF comes up, the text is there, but the images
are not. The space they should occupy is just blank.
I get the same behaviour with TeXshop after I convert my LyX to
laTeX, so I'm guessing I have something misconfigured somewhere,
but WHAT???
This is a known problem. See <http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?
id=2127>. I've done some more investigating and reported the
results there. Please add to the bug report any comments you might
have that differ from what is already reported.
NOW we're getting somewhere. I opened console and
that solved part of my problem - it was trying to
use xpdf rather than "open" for the options that
didn't work (dvidpdm and 'ps to pdf' - see original text)
They still don't work, but at least I'm seeing something...
even if it's nothing.
The workaround for me is to use View -> PDF (ps to pdf) rather than
View -> PDF (pdflatex) or View -> dvipdfm. Or you could export to
latex, and run latex (or pdflatex) manually from the terminal.
(ps to pdf) now works for me (once I changed lyxrc).
Export to latex, run pdflatex... ALSO works.
You're a star, thank you. I shall update the bug
report with my observations (which match yours)
Now I can print my frigging assignments.