----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:43 PM
Subject: aspell

hey guys!

used software: windows xp/sp2, lyx 1.3.7-pre4, aspell0.50.3

I used the following homepage:
(only in german)

So I hope I gave enough information and hope you can help me.
(Please excuse my bad english :-) )


Those install instructions are 21 months out of date.
You just need an Aspell*.exe file and a dictionary
in your language, German, with maybe also English .
Install the Aspell*.exe and dictionary to C:\Aspell

LyX will recognize C:\Aspell if Aspell is installed before LyX.
If you install Aspell after the LyX installation (or reinstall it)
then you might have to run LyX's Reconfigure (under Edit).
Your instruction description sounds like directions for a
Cygwin install which has a Linux like structure. The new
LyX137 works natively on Windows, no X-server needed.
No need to copy anything to C:\programme\Lyx. You
can also test Aspell from the Dos command prompt to see
if it is working so that later under LyX if Aspell doesn't work
you know the problem is with LyX, narrowing the error cause.

I forgot to mention using Reconfigure to be safe in my 1st email,

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