I install Lyx version 1.3.7 in one computer. My colleague sent me a Lyx file created by verion 1.3.4. Th probelm that we have now is that I cannot read that file with my Lyx version 1.3.7.

We tested my installation by the following:

1) I created a test file with my Lyx 1.3.7 editor.
2) I sent this file to the same colleague whoi has the Lyx 1.3.4
3) He was able to read my new file

This seems to conclude that my have a workable Lyx 1.3.7 editor!   Please help!

Eastwood Im

Dr. Eastwood Im
Radar Instrument Manager, CloudSat Project
Supervisor, Atmospheric Radar Science and Engineering Group
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,  M.S. 300-243
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109, U.S.A.
Voice:      +1-818-354-0492
Fax:        +1-818-393-6440
Cell phone:  +1-818-395-9627


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